Manish Jain(マニッシュ・ジェイン)
マハトマ・ガンディー、ラビンドラナート・タゴール、オーロビンド・ゴーシュ、イヴァン・イリイチのほか、村に住む読み書きができない祖母や未就学の娘、先住民のコミュニティ、ジャイナ教の宗教哲学に影響を受け、「脱学校(deschooling)」 を推し進める第一人者。これまでに『Shikshantar』(編註:インドのウダイプルを拠点とした教育の再考と開発をする機構)のチーフを24年間務めた。また、世界で最も革新的な教育施設・実験の共同創設者でもある。(Swaraj University, Jail University, Complexity University, Hunarshala Tribal-versity, the Creativity Adda, the Learning Societies Unconference, the Walkouts-Walk-on network, Udaipur as a Learning City, the Families Learning Together network, Berkana Exchangeなど)。40か国、300人以上のメンバーを有するEcoversities Allianceの共同創設者、Economics of Happiness ローカライゼーションネットワーク上級顧問。過去にSocialLabs、Art of Hosting、WorldCafeのファシリテーター、Schumacher College(英国)、National School of Drama-Theatre in Education(インド)、ピースボート(日本)の客員教授も務めた。アメリカ・イギリス・ポルトガル・ブラジル・メキシコ・インドなど多くの国で、教育の再考に関する公開基調講演を行う。教育のハッキング、学習する社会、脱学習、ギフト文化、コミュニティメディア、深い対話のためのツール等のテーマのもとVimukt Sheikhs(学習の解放)に関するいくつかの本を編集。これに先立ち、UNESCOのLearning Without Frontiersの主要メンバーの一人として召集される。ユニセフ・世界銀行・アフリカのアメリカ合衆国国際開発庁・南アジア・旧ソビエト連邦のコンサルタントも務め、モルガンスタンレーで投資銀行家としても働いていた。教示しているものを自身にも当てはめ、ハーバード大学で取得した教育の修士号を取得。ブラウン大学で経済学・国際開発・政治哲学の学士号で学びつつ、自身の妻Vidhiと19歳の娘Kankuと共に「脱学校」に注力している。マスティヨガ・都市における有機農業・映画製作・シミュレーションゲーム・自転車・アルティメット(フリスビー)・トレッキング・Compassionate Clowning・スローフードの料理にも熱心に取り組んでいる。
Next Wisdom Foundationプロジェクトフェロー研究員
Jensen Anna Groenkjaer (アンナ グレンケア ジェンセン)
デンマークのビジネスデザインスクールKAOSPILOTを卒業。KAOSPILOT Denmarkでの専門は、組織開発・持続可能な開発・ファシリテーションデザイン・教育デザイン・ビジネスデザイン・コミュニティ・ビルディング。青山の『レフェルヴェソンス』にて調理アシスタント、『スローフードインターナショナル』でイベント支援、『Edible Schoolyard Berkeley』講師などを経て、現在は『TAKIGAHARA NATURE SCHOOL』にて、学びの場を通した食分野の発展を支援している。
見落とされがちですが教育と経済はつながっているのです。哲学者イヴァン・イリイチ著『脱学校の社会』 (Deschooling society, 1971)では学校の目的は生徒たちの本来持つ神聖性を失わせ、経済社会的奴隷に変えることだと警告を鳴らすコンセプトが展開され、非常に衝撃的です。例えば名称ひとつをとってもインドでは昨年まで教育省はヒューマンリソースデベロップメント省でした。人は資源でありその資源の発展=教育と捉えていたんです。そこにはインドやアジア諸国特有の、人は神聖なものと捉えるスピリチュアルで伝統的な価値観はありません。学校教育普及前にあった学びの環境が学校教育に置き換わった流れは、進化ではなく唐突な断絶だったと私は考えています。
学びのプロセスとエコシステムは深く関わり合っています。私の住むラージャスターンでは「4キロ毎に水の味は変わり、8キロ毎に言語は変わる」という言い伝えがあります。つまり各地域に独自の言語文化とエコシステムがあるということですね。文化と生態系そして教育は地続きなのです。現代のファクトリー式学校教育はこういった地域に根付く神聖なつながりや知恵を失わせ、教育を受けた人々を村から町へ、より大きな都市へ、そして欧州や欧米へと出ていくように仕向け、それでやっと一人前だと錯覚させます。果たして村に残された人は出遅れた負け犬でしょうか? そんなことはありません。ローカルな知見や資源、そしてその多様性にこそ豊かな価値があるのです。この豊かさや地域経済と生態系を守るための持続可能なシステムはどのように築けば良いのでしょうか。それは経済・生態系・教育の3つを包括的に捉えてデザインすることなのです。
ではグローバルなつながりは必要ないのでしょうか? そんなことはありません。私の住むこの地域はシルクロードの一部ですから、中東からマレーシアまで何百年も前から国際的な交流が盛んでした。グローバルなつながりはいつの時代にも存在していたのです。自分たちのルーツや地域に根付いたシステムとのつながりと共に大切にするべきです。
グローバル化の問題点として懸念していること、それはグローバル企業によって世界が支配されていくことです。国連や世界銀行などの国際機関で働いていた頃、いつもモヤモヤとした気持ちがありました。その地域の人たちを直接知らず、彼らのエコシステムやコミュニティについて細やかなニーズや状況をよく知りもしないのに、何千キロも離れた場所から政策など重要なことを外部の人が判断して決定する。本当にそれは良いことなのか? これは私たちが警鐘を鳴らしていることの一つです。このようなデベロップメントモデルは「不足」の価値観で成り立っていると言えます。提供する側が定義したスタンダードに「あなたたちにはこれが足りていない」と決めつけるスタイルです。
Manish Jain: Western-style Schooling, Unemployment, and Cultural Breakdown(
また、一つだけの場所で学ぶという考えからの脱却も目指しています。現代のファクトリー式学校教育は煙突のようだと比喩されます。煙は必ずひとつの煙突を通っていきますが、私たちが目指すのは蜘蛛の巣のような学びのシステムです。人々にも地球環境にも負担をかける都市化ではなく、生態系を守る新しい方向を目指し、健康的なコミュニティを構築していくにはどうすれば良いか? その取り組みのひとつとして世代を超えた人々が様々な活動ができるように、私の住むウダイプルで「学びの都市」というプロジェクトをスタートしました。
宿題をして提出しなさい、というのが現代の学校ですから。しかし本当にそれは子どもたちのためになるのでしょうか? 子どもたちは目的もよくわからず言われるがまま宿題を提出するよりも意味のあることをしたいのです。ものづくりに関わることはつながりや目的意識をもつことで尊厳を築き、本物の技術を磨く中で様々な体験をすることができます。そして人脈が生まれます。そういった学びが世界をより良くすることにつながると思うのです。
アンラーニングは新しい視点で世界を見る力を養ってくれます。例えとして挙げられるのが「サイクルサイクル巡礼」というアクティビティです。若い人と他の世代の人たちと一緒に一週間、お金・携帯電話・カメラ・テクノロジー・食料・薬、そして計画なしに過ごします。コミュニティに滞在することで新しい視点が広がっていきます。もしあなたが旅行に行くとしたら必ずお金を持って行きますよね? そしてホテルに滞在し、観光地へと出向くでしょう。しかしもしお金がなかったら、きっと全く違う形でその地域を探索するのではないでしょうか。
もう一つの例は宝探しのアクティビティです。人々はよく、「ウダイプルでは素晴らしいことが起きているが、私の町や村では起きていません」と言います。なのでこんなことを試してみました。彼らに課題を与えます「陶芸家を探してください」「5つの言語を話せる人を見つけてください」「裁縫ができる人を見つけてください」「伝統的な料理を作れる人を見つけてください」「ダンスが大好きな人を見つけてください」などなど。4時間の中でその人たちを見つけるというアクティビティです。参加者の人たちは自分のコミュニティにこんなに面白い人たちがいたなんて! と自分のコミュニティの魅力を再発見するのです。どんなコミュニティにも様々な才能や知識のある人たちがいますが、それを忘れてしまっています。

今回インタビューを担当させてもらったデンマーク出身の私は、石川県小松市滝ケ原町の古民家を改修し誕生したTAKIGAHARA FARMで暮らしている。友人に会いに週末だけの旅行のつもりで初めて訪れたが、鞍掛山をはじめとする豊かな自然、近所のおじいさん、そしてライフスタイルと仕事を自由に探求できる環境が非常に気に入ってしまい、今ではここで暮らしはじめて一年が過ぎようとしている。滝ケ原の自然と村の方々との交流は私にとってはまさに教育だ。マニッシュ氏の学びのアプローチをここでも試すことができるのではないかと思い、滝ケ原での恵みのギフトカルチャーのあり方や、学び直せることは何か、若者と老人の交流の場所はあるのか? など自分に問いながら学びの挑戦は続いている。
See below for the English version
Manish Jain is an educator based in India focusing on child led learning. From his broad set of experiences studying at Harvard University as well as in his illiterate grandmother’s village. Working as an investment banker as well as for UNESCO, UNICEF and the UN, he is renewing a movement that challenges conventional education. Revitalizing and contextualizing ancient models of education which Gandhi, Tagore and other Indian freedom fighters were part of. He questions the current way of schooling with his systemic view, where he shines a light on the interconnectedness between ecology, economy and education.
I was introduced to Manish when I was working on a Rapid Action Lab in Oxford with Zaid Hassan. Zaid and Manish are close friends both working to create positive systemic change from different angles. What made me curious about Manish Jain, was his way of creating a learning experience out of everyday life. Learning is not restricted to the classroom; it happens everywhere! He is focusing on diversity as one of the key elements in his educational movement. As Japan is a very monocultural society with a dominating traditional school system, I thought it would be interesting to draw inspiration from a person like Manish.
There are two different things – there are self-designed learning and self-driven learning and I prefer the word self-designed learning because self-driven learning is more like somebody has fixed the direction and you can do things at your own pace so a lot of traditional distance education courses says “here’s the whole curriculum and you just kind of move at your own pace and time that you want to work on it”, but self-design means you’re actually designing your own learning journey your own processes your own notion of what future is what your notion of success is so the design is is in the hands of of the learners. So we usually use the word self designed learning and I think it’s a very important distinction. I worked with unicef a long time ago 30 years back but they used the word child-centered education or child-centered learning which is kind of still in the old paradigm and what we need to talk about is child-led, the child is leading their own learning problems, they’re making the choices they’re co-creating it with others. It is not just that you made something with the child in mind, that is still somebody external designing for the child. The idea is that the design process gets handed over to the learner, which can be in partnership and co-creation but ultimately the design is in the hands of the learner and it goes all the way to designing our own lives you know, that is the ultimate.
I think for many ancient civilizations like Japan or China or India the idea of self-design learning is not a new concept. It is very much part of who we are culturally. It has a long tradition. The first documented story in India of self-design learning is 5 000 years old in the Mahabharata and that story still inspires people today. The name of the character Ekalavya.
In China, Japan and all over Asia one will find these stories and they are almost counter cultural stories because they challenge the dominant formal systems that exist currently. Self designed learning – a lot of it happens in the informal space. It is not controlled, it cannot be centralized and it is most often chaotic. Very difficult to predict.
The education system is designed based on the idea of extreme extrinsic motivation. The carrot and the stick or reward and punishment. Things are not coming from your own inner curiosity, questions, challenges. It’s all a kind of: “you do this then you get rewarded, or you don’t do this and you get punished”. That’s the design of what I call factory schooling. What we are talking about with self-designed learning is actually intrinsically motivated systems which do not happen in conventional schooling. Very rarely you might find this customized process and space. Teachers might say: “we are doing self-designed learning” but then there has to be time and space and resources to support this kind of learning space. If they don’t actually do it, but they are just saying it, it is what we call “hidden curriculum”. There is the formal curriculum which is written and then there’s a hidden curriculum which are the hidden rules of the game, the unsaid but present rules: competition, becoming first, pleasing the teacher, Compulsion that you’re forced to do things against your will under threat or coercion etc. There is a difference between compulsion and invitation to do something. In an invitation, the learner has the right to say yes or no. Invitation also means that the learner takes responsibility for their actions. So I would say that the school system is designed to destroy intrinsic motivation. It’s designed for that because, if you want to control people, if you want to make them into consumers, if you want to disconnect them from their land and their ancestors and their community, then that is one way of doing it.
We need to understand the link between education and economy. There was a very famous philosopher, Ivan Illich, who wrote the book Deschooling society. He used this very powerful term homo economicus. The purpose of schooling is to shift us from what I would call homo divinus (divine beings) into economic slaves. Many governments in India for example say “the ministry for human resource development” so they are treating people as resources trying to deceive people as resources not as divine beings. In India and all over Asia, spiritual traditions are seeing people as divine. We don’t use the word students in our work, we use the word khojis.
Khojis means seeker or explorer. We are all born seekers with the divine search for purpose and meaning and we’ve all come with higher purpose so that’s fundamentally recognized in our spiritual traditions. I would say western modern factory schooling doesn’t realize that there is an inner, a divine inner being, an inner search, conscience, a voice, an intuition. All of these things are totally ignored and neglected on purpose by the current system.
Many traditions of learning don’t really have anything to do with the school. For example farming. Most of the things we use in everyday life have nothing to do with school. My journey in regards to education started when i realized: schooling taught me that my village grandmother was illiterate and stupid. With that realization i thought “no my grandmother is more intelligent and caring and compassionate than my harvard professors”.
The whole education system tells us that our ancestors were useless stupid people because they didn’t go to these modern factory schools. This is one of the fundamental things we’re trying to challenge, saying “our ancestors have so many different kinds of knowledge systems we can learn from”. One of our projects which challenges this understanding is our grandmother’s university.
Factory Schooling started in the 1700s. It started first with the army who wanted to create obedient, unquestioning soldiers.Then it expanded with the Industrial Revolution which wanted dumbed down factory workers. The design of the army, the prison, and the factory is the same design which has inspired the school system. The only purpose was to cut people off from their inner voice and conscience. They wanted people to not think for themselves and not follow their own moral compass. If someone commanded “kill this person” the soldier would not question “why do i need to kill this person?”. This kind of training was also applicable for the factory workers. Dumb down people. Schools were designed to kill creativity and holistic understanding.
There is this misconception which we’ve been trying to correct: “It is said that west is materialistic and east is spiritual”. I think this is fundamentally wrong. All over the east we were spiritual materialists: spirit and matter were intertwined. So any processes, whether it’s in terms of relationships or caring for people or creating products, everything was a spiritual process. This fundamentally shifted with the factory, where you tell people to do one repetitive task every day for their whole lives rather than cultivating a deep holistic understanding: where do the materials we are using come from and go? How are things made? Why am I making this? All of that is lost in the factory process. If you see the way the school is designed it looks similar: the timetable, the seating, everything is designed to prepare people for factories.
Later on, what happened in many places was: schooling people to become good citizens, obedient citizens under the modern, centralized State. This was the next phase for many countries: citizens have to lose their diverse local languages, their sense of connection and the state government becomes the most important element.
The school system is really geared towards producing monoculture, centralizing monoculture and not diversity, because diversity is very difficult to control. In India there are more than 3000 languages which the government has tried to standardize into 15-16 languages. There’s so much diversity which is being lost – linguistic cultural diversity. The reason is, it is easier to control society if you can standardize and put monoculture everywhere.
Gandhi talked a lot about this: it is easier to deal with large numbers of people, but you’re not really dealing with them as people anymore you’re dealing with them as numbers. Their uniqueness and context gets lost. If you want to distribute something to large numbers of people then monoculture approaches help you to do that. Whether it’s something those people really need or not is another question.
If you look at the reality of things, for example large scale monoculture farming. This approach seems to work efficiently but if you look at the ecological damage it is actually quite inefficient. It looks efficient if you hide the side effects. For example in regards to the use of pesticides: corporations would just look at the yield of a crop, and not at how much biodiversity is being destroyed as a result. Often accountants have ignored all of those factors when they calculate farming efficiencies. They claim that there’s more efficiency and maybe more equality. If we look at the reality around the world, the income disparities are growing, unhappiness is decreasing, ecosystems are being polluted and destroyed…
Most places have forgotten how to produce their own food or their own clothing or make their own shelter so they’re dependent on huge corporations to do it for them. They have forgotten how to heal themselves and solve their own local problems.
We humans are in service of diversity of diverse knowledge systems of diverse natural ecologies. Schooling does not bring awareness to ecosystems. We are not sufficiently aware of our own ecosystems and what is required to keep them alive. I can give you an example: in India, every elderly person I’ve met would say “Our land is sacred. Our mountains and our rivers are all part of our family and community and we will never sell them”. But as soon as their children went to school everything in the ecosystem became a commodity for sales. We see the young generation trying to sell their land whereas for hundreds of thousands of years people would say land is not for sale. We see school educated people polluting their sacred water bodies and cutting down sacred forests.
Our learning processes have to again be connected to the ecosystem. In Rajasthan where I am, there’s a saying; every four kilometers the taste of the water changes and every eight kilometers the language changes. For each localized ecosystem people had their own language and expression of the culture. Culture and ecology were intertwined and education was intertwined with that. Modern factory schooling has broken those sacred connections and that understanding. People are being prepared for export. The educated people say; “I have to move from my village to the city, then i have to go to the big city, then i have to go to the mega cities, and then to Europe or America then i am now a human being. As long as I’m in my village or my community I am backwards; poor and illiterate and uneducated”.
We must value the knowledge and experiences and local resources and diversity that communities have. How can we build resilient local ecologies and economies? The economy, ecology and education have to be designed together.
There has to be some commons, some shared resources to make a community. There has to be multiple generations of people together that makes a community. This will enable so many amazing learning experiences to happen. Then communities all over must be interconnected forming a web of communities. People can start going from one community to another community and share. There might be libraries, museums, spaces for storytelling in the community and those can be accessed by all people.
There is a massive shift from things that were in the commons, now has become private property. We are trying to bring things back into the commons, where people of all classes and all generations can come and share together. What spaces do you know of where at least 3 generations are doing and learning together? We need interaction between at least 3 generations, for collective wisdom to flourish again in society.
Global connections have always been there.
This whole area, where I am, was part of the silk route. People were moving and sharing ideas. All the way from the middle east to Malaysia, there were exchanges of knowledge and skills and ideas and beauty for hundreds of years. So it’s not like we’re against global connections but we need to be connected and rooted in our own local systems as well because we cannot live without nature and a sense of real community (not just Facebook friends).
When I am critical towards globalization, what I mean is the control over the world by global corporations. Global institutions which are making decisions for people from thousands of kilometers away, without knowing those people or their communities or their needs. When I worked with international development like the UN and the world bank, one of the most stupid things i found was: How can you be making decisions without knowing those people, their ecosystems, their communities? This is one of the things that we want to challenge.
The whole development model is based on a deficit.
Deficit means: you see the negative things in people. They say: I’ve set a standard and you don’t have xyz so you don’t meet my standard which means you are deficient.
Another terminology which is used quite a bit which is humiliating is: first generation learner. It means that for thousands of years nobody was learning anything, until the school came, until development came. Now they’re here to civilize people. The basic agenda of development has been civilization of people, civilizing them into monoculture and destroying their local culture and trying to make them pretend like they’re all European or American. What We are trying to say is that each place has it’s richness, has its diversity, has its resources and how do you create something with those things?
My own daughter is 19 years old. She never went to school. She was home in our neighborhood and did what we call unschooling or self-designed learning.
I would like to share three interesting things about my neighborhood: if you walk down the street you can find cows walking around, camels, sometimes elephants, pigs, sometimes monkeys, peacocks and I’m living in the middle of a city but in my neighborhood you can find all these animals living in harmony with human beings. There is a deep connection between the human and the non-human worlds. First point.
Second point is that my daughter knows almost all the neighbors in our community. In our neighborhood more people know her than me. So the second thing is the idea that we actually know our neighbors.
Third thing in our neighborhood is that there are so many kinds of productions happening. My daughter sees where our flour, the flour that we eat every day, is milled. There’s a little flour mill. She sees people who are with cows who are selling their milk. A little dairy where they sell that and she knows these cows. She sees people who are making beds. There’s a repair guy in our neighborhood. You bring anything: your old bag if your zipper breaks or your shoe breaks or whatever, he’ll repair that. She sees all these different processes of production activities.There are also community spaces. There’s a temple, a mosque and she sees people coming together. This is just a glimpse of what a healthy neighborhood might look like. But the reality is that in most places children are being sent to shopping malls. In the big cities this is what’s left for them. We’ve destroyed the neighborhood. We say that in cities, children grow up seeing just the final products and in villages kids grow up seeing processes.
Traditionally grandparents, parents, children, neighbors all would be together and doing activities. This is one of the things we’ve tried to rebuild as a learning space.
Something that we are working to shift away from, is the idea that learning happens in one place. A metaphor that we usually use for factory schools is a funnel. All things go through that funnel. With our projects we are trying to build what we call learning webs. We have a project in Udaipur. It is a learning city. The whole city is a learning-web. We know people who are potters, we know musicians, we know artists, we know restaurant people, we know businessmen, we know farmers, we know wise grandmothers. My daughter, for example, is already grown up. She worked in an animal shelter, she worked in an art gallery, she worked in a beauty parlor, she worked in a cafe, and in a lot of community service projects. So i’m a big believer in child labor. This is not the violent, exploitative child labor. This is children getting a chance to work on meaningful things in the real world, which they are denied by schooling.
The school says: just do this homework and submit it to the teacher. How does that benefit anyone? How does it help to make the world nicer? So children also want to do meaningful things in the world. Feel the connection, sense of purpose, sense of dignity. Real skills are being built, so many things happen through experience. We focus on that: Each person develops and has access to a larger learning web.
We are creating self designed learning spaces in different contexts. About 10,000 families have removed their children from school connected to us and are doing self-designed learning. We also have Swaraj university which is aimed at 17-28 year olds, where they design their own learning program for two years which we support. We have the jail university where we’re working with jail inmates on self designed learning. We have the tribal-versity where we’re working with young people in tribal villages for self designed learning.
We have this idea of the learning city. The whole model of urbanization is not ideal for people and the planet. So, how do we redirect the current urbanization into something that is more ecologically sensitive? More geared towards building healthy communities? So we’ve been supporting Udaipur as a learning city,
We are supporting Udaipur as a learning city, which is a space for people of all different ages to come together and do things. We invite these people to see themselves as part of the learning city. There are different kinds of spaces. There are different experiments happening. One element of the learning city is this idea of apprenticeship learning. We’ve invited more than 500 stores, businesses, workshops etc. around the city to be part of the movement. One of our friends is doing natural natural dyeing for example and she has a tailoring company and brand of her own, so young people can go there if they’re interested in fashion design, eco-friendly fashion design and learn from her. We try to incorporate an incubation capacity which encourages learners to find a job or start their own enterprises during their learning journey.
From our models we’re talking about alivelihood – what makes your spirit come alive, what makes your community come alive, what makes your ecosystem come alive? This is the new kind of work and careers we must develop. So in our programs we are inviting people to think about what kind of new economy they want. What kinds of work can start to rebuild the local culture, local ecosystem and local economy? That’s kind of what we’ve been promoting and supporting. For example two guys from a slum area. They dropped out of school in 10th grade. They joined our center and now they lead one of the top 10 healthiest restaurants in India. They came and they learned a lot about millet, traditional grains, which most people had forgotten about, because we were told rice and wheat are civilized grains. These guys have made all kinds of millet recipes. They became part of the slow food chefs academy in one of our centers, and then started their own restaurant. Their restaurant is helping to make a lot of people aware of millet, with amazing recipes. While millet up until now mostly has been associated with porridge.
We have a lot of kids who’ve come and learned filmmaking and photography and are doing lots of projects around that. A big team of people are doing urban farming. How do we start to make the city self-reliant on its food? I don’t think there’s any city in the world which is food-dependent, so that’s one of our visions.
The basic idea of a learning city is that our home and neighborhood can become powerful learning spaces.
I have two things I would like to highlight which are part of our pedagogy. One is called “gift culture”. Not all of life can be defined by money. How do we build more communities of kindness, trust, compassion, and sharing? Then we can reduce our consumerism, we can get out of the scarcity mindset and into a sense of abundance and generosity. We do a lot of gift culture experiments in the city. At the local lake we do something called Game-a-thon, so we go and we play hundreds of cooperative games with people and try to build friendship and trust.
We understand, from the gift culture, that we get the most happiness when we share, when we help, when we give to others. Not from taking taking taking. This doesn’t give happiness. It has been part of our philosophical and spiritual understanding all over Asia I would say, all over Africa, all over the global south. This is what we need to come back to. What is a healthy community? What are healthy relationships? What are we really grateful for in our lives?
The other thing we are quite well known for around the world is “unlearning”. The most important thing in education today must be unlearning. If we are to survive as a species we need to have a massive unlearning agenda, because all of the things we’ve been taught about progress, success, happiness, ourselves, our well-being; most of those things were not true. How do we come out of what we are taught and start to find our way back home?
In Swaraj university there’s three unlearning areas which are quite common. One is about money. School puts us in a tremendous fear around money because as one example we don’t know how to grow our food, and therefore we are dependent on money to survive.
Second area of unlearning is around love. Self-love, how we love each other and how we take care of each other. A lot of times people can confuse love with controlling somebody else or love with owning somebody else or love with dictating to someone else, or love with jealousy. How do we really step into love in a different authentic way?
The third is unlearning around death. There is a lot of fear around death. So we do a lot of different unlearning activities around getting rid of these different fears and anxieties.
I think unlearning is the most important thing for changing the perspective. I can tell you about one of our famous unlearning experiments. We have something called the cycle pilgrimage, yatra yatra means pilgrimage. We take people on a trip for one week. Nobody has any money, phone, camera, technology, food, medicine and plan. We stay in communities and that’s a beautiful way to start opening our perspectives. In the present day it is most common to travel with money. You go stay in the hotel and you have all the tourist attractions set. If you travel without any money, you have to explore the place in a totally different way.
Another example is a game we made called the treasure hunt. People would come to us and say : all these amazing things are happening in Udaipur but we have nothing like this in my city/village. To make people realize the beauty of their neighborhood we made a treasure hunt. We asked people: find a potter, find somebody who knows how to speak five languages, find somebody who knows how to do sewing, find somebody who knows traditional cooking, find somebody who knows dancing and loves dancing. You have four hours to go and find all these people in your neighborhood. This made people wake up and say “wow we never even knew all these people were in our community”. Every community has so much talent and knowledge and skill but we forget. Please go and see all the knowledge and the talents that women have. Like my grandmother. Unlearning is about taking off our lenses and seeing reality in a different way. It is about building new muscles of perception. This is why unlearning is the most important thing and I keep emphasizing that when talking with anybody about education because our conditioned mind is only going to reproduce the conditioning. We need to help people step out of their conditioning.
We think we can dominate nature. I think this is the fundamental arrogance that modern education has taught human beings. We are one with nature. This is one of the biggest lessons which we have forgotten.
We want to challenge this current perception and help people connect to their deepest powerful light within them. How are we interconnected with each other and with the natural world, with all the living beings?
One thing you can do is to start growing food in your home, start cooking, connect to what you eat. Secondly, start talking to your neighbors, inviting your neighbors home, and sharing things with your neighbors. Thirdly, stop pressuring children to do homework and for exams. Stop pressuring children and let them have space to do nothing. Invite children into the space of slowing down, listening deeply. When you’re doing nothing actually a lot of very subtle things are happening. Very subtle powerful things are happening.
Boredom means you’re bored with yourself, dependent on external stimulation. I see a lot of children, if you’re driving, maybe you go for a four hour five hour drive. They need to have their tablet, they need to have music blasting to keep them externally stimulated. I sometimes watch my daughter. She can sit for three, four hours and just be in silence and observe out the window very peacefully. She never said I’m bored. She is very present. We need to understand what this whole idea of boredom is. Where does it come from? Why aren’t we at peace with ourselves?
The important thing is we are not poor, we are rich. We can generate self-designed learning. We’re living in abundance. Learning is everywhere. Learning is happening all the time. Learning is within us. This is what we’ve forgotten. We think we need some school to give us learning. We can do all these things because we have the capacity within ourselves and amongst each other.
My home is at Takigahara Farm, in a small village in the mountains of Ishikawa prefecture. I went here for a weekend to visit my friend Ryo, and before knowing of it one weekend had become one year and I am still here. I fell in love with the wild plants, Kurakake Yama the small mountain, Nakade san the old man next door and the freedom to experiment with my lifestyle as well as my work. Takigahara’s Nature and the local villagers have become my education. After talking with Manish I am curious about exploring some of his educational approaches in my local environment. What would gift economy look like in Takigahara? What is there to unlearn? Where is the space for the youth and elders to meet?
I am from Denmark with a home in Japan, Manish is in India. He lived in America and we were introduced in the UK. Manish’ approach is not place specific, it is applicable anywhere. There is no recipe for the right kind of education. It is about trusting and paying attention to the people around us. The ecology around us. The economy around us.
What is your learning environment?
- Text :
- Anna Groenkjaer (アナ グレンケア ジェンセン)
- Translation:
- Naoko Masuda (増田奈保子)